While in Las Vegas, we (Anne, Cristen, myself and Liz) had a ladies night out to celebrate Jon's sister Liz's birthday. We had a blast being entertained by none other than. . . . .
Barry Manilow.

I looked around the audience and noticed that probably half of his audience was balding. The audience had been sitting down and when he came into the room everybody stood up and cheered and hollered. He began to sing a song or two and as he was singing some of the audience members began to sit, but not all. There was a very large and intimidating man a few rows behind us who began to yell at all of us to sit down. Almost all of the people began to sit down and I couldn't believe he felt comfortable trying to suppress the Barry Manilow fans. They just wanted to see their BARRY. I had not been a fan before but he was great. He told us he had just gone through hip surgery during Thanksgiving and he did such a good job.

I had to post this picture because at the end of the show an amazingly large amount of confetti fell down all around us. I looked down in front of me and saw this woman covered in confetti. She was just sitting there. One of us offered to help her get some of the confetti off and she said Don't! Talk about appreciating the moment.