For Maren's birthday we gave her some horseback riding lessons. She was allowed to pick a friend to go with her and she picked Sidney both times. I'm so thankful they have such a good relationship and hope it stays that way for the rest of their lives.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Monday, December 12, 2011
Monday, November 28, 2011
Tournament of Kings in Las Vegas!
Every year we spend Thanksgiving in Las Vegas. Jon's Aunt Judy and Uncle Terry always have a delicious Thanksgiving meal and we usually catch a movie and try to get a live show while in Vegas. This year we attended the King's Tournament at the Excaliber. They offer a show with horses, fighting, fire, dancers, etc. You watch it while sipping tomato soup, then eating a whole roasted chicken, potatoes, broccoli and dessert. All of this you eat with your hands just like in the medieval times. The kids had a great time, especially Dean sipping his huge Sprite. :)
Sunday, November 27, 2011
My Blog is Going Private
Please email me or message me on Facebook with the address you want me to use to access our blog. Sound good? Until then . . . .
P.S. - Happy Thanksgiving to you all!!!! :)
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Soccer Mania
This weekend concluded our family's soccer season. Sidney, Maren, Wells and Coach Jon all had another enjoyable and successful season.
Sidney has been a player on the "Pink Panthers" for the last 5 years. She has enjoyed the friendships and wonderful soccer knowledge she has gained from Coach Daniel and Assistant Coach's Christine and Sam. This is their final year together and they really went out with a bang taking 1st place in the U11 Girls championship tournament. Go Pink Panthers!! It was such a wonderful experience to see those girls so giddy after the game was over. We will miss this special group of girls and parents at the soccer games. Pink Panthers Rock!!!!
Jon coached Wells' team the Grizzlies again this year and had some great assistant coaches to help share the experience.
Maren had her 2nd year with WC Sol. Last year she was offense and this year she has decided she enjoys being a defender better.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
I let my kids make a fort tonight, they had so much fun. I tried to not think about the mess they were making. I've certainly gotten more fun haven't I?
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Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Sunday, October 2, 2011
We got an egg!
My kids (Maren especially) love pets. They have been asking for various types of pets for most of their lives. We have a few small pets but they still want more. Jon and I thought we would see what it was like to have chickens. Why not have a pet that gives back to you. So these chickens have entered our lives. We have Tweeters (Ancona), Blackberry (Plymouth Rock), Pineapple (Buff Orpington), Peanut (Auraucana) and Cookie Dough (Rhode Island Red). They came into our lives in May and yesterday we found our first egg. Yay! Now we just need to figure out how to get them to lay them in the nesting box. :)
This coop Jon and I made ourselves. We had a instructional video we followed and made some adjustments as needed. We also received some feedback from a few friends. Many thanks to all who encouraged us. :)
Peanut on the left, Pineapple in the back and Tweeters in front of Pineapple. Blackberry and Cookie Dough were not in the picture.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
In May, Sidney dislocated her radius during a gymnastics Showteam practice. Showteam is a choreographed gymnastics group that performs together. My girls really enjoy it. We took some time off from gymnastics this summer for her to heal. Before we took some time off, Sidney was able to be involved in a National Universal Studios event. The amazing Coach Caroline rearranged the group routine so Sidney could stay safe, yet still be involved while her injury healed. We all had a great time.
Dean & Hayden Saying Farewell
Hey world! I think I'm going to try to start posting again. Did you miss me? I took some serious time off after getting a new computer and not being familiar with it. I'm now learning how to operate in the Mac world.
Here is my first post after an entire summer. Dean & Hayden said farewell to one another. Hayden came over the day they left and brought a special framed picture of the two of them. They have been the best of friends. We were luck enough to be able to visit them in Utah for a short while this summer. It was nice to see them again and we certainly hope they love their new adventures in Utah.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Today I took the kids to get their first chocolate dipped ice cream cone. I think Wells may have liked his the most.
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Saturday, May 21, 2011
Our new family members, Peanut, Tweeters, Cookie Dough, Pineapple and Blackberry.
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Sunday, May 8, 2011
My Beautiful Mother
You make being a Mom look easy.
These words reflect what I have come to know and love in my Mother:
Beautiful, resourceful,
encouraging, accepting,
makes me feel special,
role model, resilient,
motivating, spiritual,
recognized in many ways,
teacher, leader,
as a child and to this day I love to see her with the wind blowing through her hair when going on a boat ride at Lake Minchumina,
she makes herself available to me, for which I am thankful, in this busy world,
helper, cook,
kind, giving,
but most of all,
My Mother.
Thank you ,Mom, for caring for me these many years
I love you.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Lake Minchumina by Sidney Isom (Age 10)
There are lynx,
their paws padding on the forest floor.
Black bears towering above me.
Mosquitos humming,
buzzing by my ear.
The chirping of the young fledglings,
like a song of peace.
The fresh toasty waffles,
and the juicy, mouth watering spam,
like they are more,
than the best thing in the world.
I smell the silent burning firewood,
It's smoke drifting upward.
I walk outside and feel the dew dipped grass,
wave between my toes.
And those crackling leaves that crunch beneath my feet.
in Minchumina,
I am very happy.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Small World Isn't It?
This Saturday we took the kids to clean the church. It was our turn on the cleaning rotation and we had one of Maren's friends along who may have thought she was on a (lame) playdate". The kids were helpful enough so after we were done cleaning we decided to let her (Maren's friend) pick the place where we would treat the kids to some lunch for a job well done. She decided on Burger King. (We distinctly got the impression she does not eat fast food and sadly, our kids can name 4 fast food places. I should probably include this parantheses in my FAILURES post a few posts back.) :)
So! We (5 kids/2 adults) are sitting in Burger King, which was not very busy, eating our food. My seat was facing the counter and across the table from Jon and I glance up and see somebody sitting in the chair to the left of Jon.
NO WAY!!!! It was "The Store Who Shall Not Be Named Stalker". Do you remember that post a few posts back?
How could it be? I'm certain he had no idea he was sitting by us. I was amazed he was so close in proximity to us. At first I thought I would pretend I didn't notice him. Then I started to think, I wonder what he was thinking? Why did he behave that way? This could be my only chance to find out what his take on the experience was.
So I let him finish his burger and planned to talk with him as soon as he was done. He got up to leave incredibly fast so I ran after him outside into the rain and asked him to please explain his behavior. He said he was sorry and that he thought I was so beautiful. He said he considered writing a letter to me saying he was sorry. I told him it is uncomfortable to be followed around and I hope that is not how he normally conducts himself. I told him the manager at the store said he had no prior incidences which was a positive thing and I told him I hoped his job wasn't in jeopardy because of me. I just wasn't sure how handle that circumstance. After the conversation I felt I had found resolution.
Today I decide to go to the store and see him immediately as I walk in. He is busy and turned the other way so I zoom right by. I'm pretty sure he didn't see me. I am in a tall aisle and see him walk by. He doesn't notice me and then realizes who I am and he turns and comes over and says "Thanks for caring about me losing my job." I said "Your welcome, I didn't want to mess with your life but I did want you to know that behavior is not OK." He says goodbye and I say "See you around".
I think this chapter of my life shopping experience is now over. Do you think the lesson I am supposed to learn from this is that I need to be more assertive? Maybe it would have helped me if I had dealt with the experience right then and there. What would you have done?
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Can You See The New Meter?
The new meter. It has a blue sticker with a P on it. Pay attention or they will get you!
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Where Is The Meter?
Maybe I am old fashioned but I usually look for the meter right next to the parking spot my car is in. I was shocked when I got a parking ticket (mine is the dark Acura) and the white car two spaces over also received one. I spoke with the driver of the white car, who was talking with her son, and she didn't even know she had received a ticket. My next post will be of the new "meter system." I certainly would have appreciated more notice telling me things were different now. I did have coins and checked for the traditional meter which was not in the usual place and thought it was nice of them to have complimentary parking.
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Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Saturday, February 5, 2011
The Compliment
Sidney - Mom, I have a compliment for you.
Me - Really? What is it?
Sidney - My friend says she thinks I look like you.
Me - Is that a compliment for me or for you?
Sidney - For both of us.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Last month, I went to a store without children (a rare moment). I saw a young, male, store* employee with the typical shirt the store* employees wear walking from the parking garage into the building at the same time as me. I assume he followed me up the escalator but at that point I wasn't paying much attention to him.
I had to do "a return" at Customer Service, which is located immediately after getting off the escalator. After the return, I proceeded to walk a few feet to examine some coats. The same store employee was in the coats area and I assumed he was working there. I then proceeded to walk towards the back of the store and noticed some maternity clearance items for sale. I found a sweet dress and pondered purchasing it for somebody I know. I was a bit surprised when the store employee had also found his way to maternity and was positioned approximately a circle of clothes away. It crossed my mind that this was probably his area of work at the store but thought it odd that he had moved so far exactly at the same time as me.
I decided to ditch him. I left Maternity and walked across the walkway over to Women's Sports to see if he would follow me. I positioned myself near the black workout pants and was shocked when he followed me and kept himself another circle of clothes away and then out into the walk way and then back again.
At this point I decided to leave clothing, walk down the walkway and then dart into the tall diapers aisle which I felt would hide me. I then zigzagged through baby and children's clothing. I had intentions to buy some children's socks and underwear so I crouched down and began to examine the sizes. I stayed crouched down for a little while longer thinking I was somewhat hidden.
A moment later, I was alarmed to see the store employee walk right behind me in the tiny aisle. He walked around the aisle and then walked by me again. He then went over to the end of the aisle towards leotards. I pretended not to notice and stood up and started to text my husband to let him know that a "store* employee is following me". While I was sending my text I could see he was standing to my right openly watching me. At this point I thought, I either have to confront him or walk close enough to him to read his name tag and then discuss the situation with the manager. I chose to read his name. I kept my eyes down until the last moment and then when I was right by him I looked and read his name.
I spoke with a cashier and told her I was being followed by a store employee and was feeling very uncomfortable. She directed me to the current manager. I told them my story and then I decided to purchase my items and leave. The cashier was courteous enough to walk me to my car.
I'm sure my uneasiness will go away with time and I will feel comfortable returning to the store* again, but for now I am more at ease avoiding that store*.
*I have omitted the store name just in case that weirdo tracks me down. :)
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Dean's Stocking
Before I put away all the Christmas things I had to take a picture of the Christmas stockings. They are finally complete. Yay! Dean (our baby) is now 3 years old. Until this year he had a matching stocking hanger, a green stocking and a label with his name on it. When I bought the stocking hangers I only bought enough for our family of 5. My friend was with me and said "Don't you want to get more just in case you have more children?" The twins were still babies at the time and I wondered who in their right mind would consider having more after having twins. :) The twins grew older and easier and we decided #4 would be a good idea. Of course, those stocking hangers were no longer being made and I paid almost as much for Dean's single stocking hanger on Ebay as I did for the entire set of 5. This year I took the time to make Dean's entire stocking. I thought it ended up matching quite well. I love the sense of completion.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
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