School's out and so far. . . . . the kids have been very helpful around the house. They haven't complained about the jobs they've been asked to do (if they did, I blocked it out).
A few days ago, we had a wedding in our backyard. While getting the yard and house ready, we put the squeeze on the kids to work. Wells cleaned all the sinks and counters in the bathrooms, Sidney vacuumed the upstairs, Maren cleaned all the toilets and Dean sucked things up with the Dust Buster. Jon and I pulled up weeds and planted flowers. The wedding was a beautiful affair and we were pleased to be a part of it.
Yesterday the kids cleaned the baseboards in their designated areas and gathered all the garbage and carried the containers to the curb.
Today, after I let them sleep in, they cleaned the plantation shutters in their designated areas. They spent a nice time with a few friends at the local McDonald's play place, then we headed to the library so they could each pick out 2 fiction/2 non-fiction books and now they are at gymnastics while I write this post (thanks to Jannine my gymnastics carpool friend).