Thursday, April 8, 2010


Look at those pretty little teeth.

A few days later Maren's experiences a rite of passage. . .

and a week later it happens again.

Maren pulled at those dental floss strings for what seemed like hours. She stressed out and worried about the tooth and was very concerned her Dad would get involved with the pliers. The tooth finally came out when she went up the stairs and accidentally knelt on her floss which immediately popped the tooth out. It was immediate relief for everyone.


180360 said...

YAY! I'm impressed she tried the dental floss. Ava wouldn't even let me near her front teeth after I "helped" the first one out.

Fenima said...

That's so funny when she actually pulled her tooth by accidentally kneeling. Still a cute girl though...

Danny McMillan said...

Danny the dentist would be proud!! Can't believe how big all of your kids are getting. And of course they are so cute.

Danny McMillan said...

this is heidi...why does posting under Danny always happen to me??