Monday, May 3, 2010

Diet Soda vs. Guitar

I amaze myself. I still haven't had a diet soda. It's been 3 weeks now. I felt mighty tired this morning but just drank a little water and moved on with my day. It was my own fault because I stayed up until 1a.m. researching guitars. Did I mention I decided to take the money that I was using on diet soda's and put it towards guitar lessons? Does anybody have an acoustic guitar they are no longer using? You could really help me out because I realize learning guitar is probably costing me a little more $ than my diet soda addiction. Learning to play the guitar is certainly better for me and my family than drinking diet soda's to my hearts content. Right?


180360 said...

Congrats for making it 3 weeks! That is awesome. :)

Parmley Clan said...

I have a GREAT guitar teacher if you want one :-).

Jen said...

That is so cool! I get on jags where I drink it for migranes- than soon I am drinking it to avoid them. Stay strong sista! I am trying to also.

Genuinely Garff said...

Ooh - you should talk to Jill Thompson. She's been teaching herself and jamming the past year or so. She's awesome. I think that's fabulous! I just got my own guitar restrung. We'll see if anything happens next...

jhoopes said...

So cool!! I am proud of you for being so on top of everything and dropping the diet soda for guitar lessons (although I love some pop now and then). Hope to hear you play this summer!! :)