Sunday, July 11, 2010

Update & Embarassing Moment

We have kept our prior home as a rental house and sadly our renters who we really loved decided to move back home to Ireland. I wish them the best. They are a great family. Our rental house is now back on the market and yesterday Jon, myself, Maren & Dean (Wells is in Alaska with my sister and her family, Sidney flew out yesterday to spend a week with her cousin) painted most of the interior. Dean did a good not touching the paint, brushes or rollers and Maren did a great job painting with the little brushes and the two of them worked so hard that I told her when we were done we would get slurpies. I wore a pair of pants I actually like to wear and when I got the first spot of paint on them I decided to turn them inside out. I also turned Maren't clothing inside out to prevent paint splatter. It was late in the evening when we finished and we were filthy. We drove to 7-11 and Maren and I went in and started making slurpies. The woman who works there asked me "Do you know your pants are on inside out?" OOOOOOOOPS!!!! I forgot I had turned our clothes inside out to prevent paint from ruining them. I had the largest pockets and they looked ridiculous. We had paint in our hair, on our faces, arms and feet. Pretty funny to be caught in public like that.

1 comment:

jhoopes said...

You know you still looked good. ;)