Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Dean's Stocking

Before I put away all the Christmas things I had to take a picture of the Christmas stockings. They are finally complete. Yay! Dean (our baby) is now 3 years old. Until this year he had a matching stocking hanger, a green stocking and a label with his name on it. When I bought the stocking hangers I only bought enough for our family of 5. My friend was with me and said "Don't you want to get more just in case you have more children?" The twins were still babies at the time and I wondered who in their right mind would consider having more after having twins. :) The twins grew older and easier and we decided #4 would be a good idea. Of course, those stocking hangers were no longer being made and I paid almost as much for Dean's single stocking hanger on Ebay as I did for the entire set of 5. This year I took the time to make Dean's entire stocking. I thought it ended up matching quite well. I love the sense of completion.

1 comment:

The Johnson Family said...

I LOVE your Christmas Stockings! I want a tutorial on how you made them~they are adorable!