Thursday, February 3, 2011


Last month, I went to a store without children (a rare moment). I saw a young, male, store* employee with the typical shirt the store* employees wear walking from the parking garage into the building at the same time as me. I assume he followed me up the escalator but at that point I wasn't paying much attention to him.

I had to do "a return" at Customer Service, which is located immediately after getting off the escalator. After the return, I proceeded to walk a few feet to examine some coats. The same store employee was in the coats area and I assumed he was working there. I then proceeded to walk towards the back of the store and noticed some maternity clearance items for sale. I found a sweet dress and pondered purchasing it for somebody I know. I was a bit surprised when the store employee had also found his way to maternity and was positioned approximately a circle of clothes away. It crossed my mind that this was probably his area of work at the store but thought it odd that he had moved so far exactly at the same time as me.

I decided to ditch him. I left Maternity and walked across the walkway over to Women's Sports to see if he would follow me. I positioned myself near the black workout pants and was shocked when he followed me and kept himself another circle of clothes away and then out into the walk way and then back again.

At this point I decided to leave clothing, walk down the walkway and then dart into the tall diapers aisle which I felt would hide me. I then zigzagged through baby and children's clothing. I had intentions to buy some children's socks and underwear so I crouched down and began to examine the sizes. I stayed crouched down for a little while longer thinking I was somewhat hidden.

A moment later, I was alarmed to see the store employee walk right behind me in the tiny aisle. He walked around the aisle and then walked by me again. He then went over to the end of the aisle towards leotards. I pretended not to notice and stood up and started to text my husband to let him know that a "store* employee is following me". While I was sending my text I could see he was standing to my right openly watching me. At this point I thought, I either have to confront him or walk close enough to him to read his name tag and then discuss the situation with the manager. I chose to read his name. I kept my eyes down until the last moment and then when I was right by him I looked and read his name.

I spoke with a cashier and told her I was being followed by a store employee and was feeling very uncomfortable. She directed me to the current manager. I told them my story and then I decided to purchase my items and leave. The cashier was courteous enough to walk me to my car.

I'm sure my uneasiness will go away with time and I will feel comfortable returning to the store* again, but for now I am more at ease avoiding that store*.

*I have omitted the store name just in case that weirdo tracks me down. :)


MelissaS said...

Okay, that is just too creepy! I am glad you said something to the manager bc no one should have to feel intimidated or threatened...especially in my fav store (at least I think it's my fav store from the layout you described!).

Angie Page said...

That is unbelievable! I'm so glad you told someone and that they walked you to your car. That is so creepy but I'm glad that you shared. I'll keep my guard up more when I go out.

Isom Family said...

Creepy! That's a good reminder for all of us to watch what is going on around us. Ever since I've had Kristin is seems like I'm not as aware of my surroundings as I should be.

jhoopes said...

Sounds like you kept a good head on your shoulders which is not an easy thing to do!! That is pretty freaky.