Thursday, August 25, 2011

Dean & Hayden Saying Farewell

Hey world! I think I'm going to try to start posting again. Did you miss me? I took some serious time off after getting a new computer and not being familiar with it. I'm now learning how to operate in the Mac world.

Here is my first post after an entire summer. Dean & Hayden said farewell to one another. Hayden came over the day they left and brought a special framed picture of the two of them. They have been the best of friends. We were luck enough to be able to visit them in Utah for a short while this summer. It was nice to see them again and we certainly hope they love their new adventures in Utah.

1 comment:

Kyle, Adrienne and Hayden said...

I love all of your new posts! You have been doing some crazy blogging lately. This is totally an adorable picture- AND I'm so glad I was not there for this good bye... it makes me teary eyed right now just reading it. We sure miss you guys, but we're looking forward to seeing you again some time soon, I hope! Hayden still talks about Dean all the time. Thanks for posting this... too cute!