Spur of the moment trip to a beach in Humboldt County. Here's Wells getting ready to experience the waves.
Dean was absolutely terrified of the waves. I'm not sure if it was the sound or the movement of the waves that scared him more. He ran away as quickly as he could from them and never ventured back. I got a moment to make my baby feel safe.
Sidney and Maren helping me remember what it is like to be a kid in the water. Eventually Maren got knocked over by a wave and hopefully learned to respect the power of the ocean.
Brief as it was, we all had a great time. We could have driven right by and avoided the beach which would create a sand mess in the car, etc. I'm grateful we stopped and made a small memory and hopefully we will be inspired to act on impulse again.
I love how the picture below shows Sidney's obvious delight of the waves.
I LOVE beach pictures.. and that's about it for me, but my kids are beach junkies. Anytime you need some beach buddies let us know. Your kids strawberry blonde hair is so lovely at the beach. And I could stand to be a little more spontaneous, so thanks for the inspiration
I love that last photo too!
what great pictures! It looks like you had a ton of fun.
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